How to get to Hotel Bergkristall in Hippach

Depending on whether you plan to travel by car or train, you can use this route planner or train timetable information to plan your own journey. So there is nothing more to prevent you having a comfortable journey to your holiday destination in Hippach in Zillertal.

Arriving by car

  • Via the A12 motorway (Inntalautobahn)
  • Take the exit for 'Zillertal'
  • Follow the main road (B169) to Hippach
  • Towards the church
  • Take the slip road for 'Zillertaler Höhenstraße' - 8km to Hotel Bergkristall

Online route planner

Hotel Bergkristall ****| Fam. Haun-Anfang | Hochschwendberg 526| A-6283 Hippach |